Erwin Wurm
“I knew from a fairly early age, about 15 or so, that I wanted to be an artist. The problem was, my father was a detective in the police.
In his view, artists were almost as suspect as criminals”, explains
Austrian artist Erwin Wurm. He obviously withstood his father’s
objections to his artistic ambitions and followed his vocation. Good for
him and for us, because Edwin Wurm is now one of the most successful
contemporary artists in the Northern hemisphere.
We too love Erwin Wurm. He’s right up there with the zeitgeist. He speaks our language – the language of pop culture, tv, movies, comics and science fiction.
And even though he’s had solos at some of the most prestigious museums
and art galleries around the globe, Wurm dares not to take art, the art
world, or himself all too seriously. “I want to reach more than just an
elite circle of insiders”, says Wurm. And he did. Even if you’ve never
seen one of Wurm’s shows, you’ll still know his work indirectly from The
Red Hot Chilli Peppers‘ ‘Can’t Stop’
music video. The video is nothing less than a tribute to Erwin Wurm’s
work. It’s filled with Wurm-style concepts and sculptural jokes inspired
by his one-minute sculptures. Big Kudos to the Peppers for recognizing
the influence Wurm had on their video."PrettyCoolPeopleInterviews