Gabriele Galimberti
"Gabriele Galimberti pays homage to all the grandmothers in the world and
to their love for good cooking, starting from his own grandma Marisa
who, before the departure for his tour around the world by couchsurfing,
took care to prepare her renowned ravioli. She was not so concerned
about the possible risks or mishaps her grandson might face in his
adventurous traveling worldwide, but her major worry was, “what will he
eat?”. That is because only at home you can eat well and healthily. And
above all, only your grandma (and sometimes mum) knows what is best for
you. With the taste of his grandma’s ravioli in his mouth, Gabriele
traveled around the world and, next to thousands of other adventures,
turned into a curious and hungry grandson for the grannies of all the
countries he visited. Appealing to their natural cooking care and their
inevitable pride in their best recipe, common factors to all
grandmothers in the world, Gabriele persuaded them to do their best in
the kitchen."Arianna Rinaldo